The Friday Chronicles

The Friday Chronicles is a weekly feature on this blog that was born out of my long lost dream of being a TMZ reporter (here’s hoping you stumble on my blog someday, Harvey Levin) and the need to keep blogging at least once a week even if I can find nothing intelligent and respectable to write about.

It contains weird news stories from around the world, (but mostly Canada) that I find on my Yahoo homepage with a little Karen twist of sarcasm, irony and toilet humor. These aren’t by any means serious journalist pieces, rather just some good old fashioned LOLZ to end your week on a high note.

Here is the list of all the Friday Chronicles:

November 24th, 2012: Five things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

November 16th, 2012: Diabetes and Moose poop

May 30th, 2012- Friday Wednesday Chronicles: are back

April 24th, 2012- Friday Tuesday Chronicles: Good luck on your journeys

April 13th, 2012- Icrecream trucks and Manwhores

March 30th, 2012- Roll up the Albino Rhino

March 23rd, 2012- Its totes the weekend!

March 16th, 2012- My French is better than your French

March 9th, 2012- What a lovely day to have a slice of Gosling pie

3 thoughts on “The Friday Chronicles

    • hahaha oh my God YES! Tell me about it! Their stories are soo ridiculous. The best part of it that I thoroughly enjoy though is the comment section. There’s always someone lamenting about how they can’t believe they clicked on this link and someone else hating on the Yahoo editor, some other fool stirring the shit pot…its such a mash of social hilarity.

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