Riding the bus with Ryan Reynolds

That`s right, children. I sit across The Great Canadian Adonis on the bus.

Now, before you ladies get your panties in a tizzy and you gentlemen abruptly stop reading this, cool all your tail feathers. I don’t usually do this but this is actually going to be a serious post about a life lesson I learnt this morning that I, against my better judgement, decided to share with you. Normally, I  like to keep my blog as light-hearted as possible, restricting it to mostly mindless humor to get you through your caffeine-fuelled robotic lives. However, there comes a time when something so simple and yet so profound happens, that one must tell someone else. Or a bunch of someone elses.

My story began last week when I started riding the Viva bus, a more human pleasant alternative to the TTC (my regular bus). The Viva bus stops at the same stop as the TTC and takes me to the same place where I have to catch my third and final bus to work. For the past week, I`ve been getting on the Viva and sitting directly opposite a man who is a splitting image of the photo you see below:

You think he's coyly smiling at you but really, he's just checking himself out on his tinted car window. (www.coolspotters.com)

He’s usually reading the paper but behind those designer sunglasses he’s really just silently staring into the souls of the unsuspecting working class around him. This was the one piece of excitement I had every morning of last week. Anyway, this Monday morning, I woke  up thoroughly excited at the prospect of starting my week with Ryan Reynolds staring into my soul as any normal hormonal girl would be.

As luck, or lack of it would have it, I got to the bus stop just in time to see the Viva pull in to the stop. I ran  to it like a wild zebra being chasing by a  lion. Alas! I got there just in time to have the doors of the bus close in my face, while the driver shook his head at me in complete indifference. I thought I might burst into tears. Not only was my soul not going to be stared down at today by Ryan, but it was also very likely that I wouldn`t get to work on time seeing as how the chance of missing my third bus was inevitable.

I stood there stewing in a pool of anger and frustration at the driver, at life, at Monday, at Ryan Reynolds, at myself. So caught up was I in my black mood that I didn`t even notice a TTC bus pull in right in front of me a minute later. The TTC bus was like a Nike sweatshop of carpal-tunnel syndrome suffering children…cramped, stale and suffocating.  And it was in that dark place on the TTC bus that I found my reason to write this post.

Even though I missed the Viva , I knew for sure that today, a missed Viva was not going to result in me being late for work because that suffocating TTC actually saved the day.

Now, I`m sure this touching story warms the cockles of your heart and everything, but really… why am I making you read all this bullshit?

Well…let me get up on my pedestal and tell you…

It’s a given that life isn’t always going to be a joyride with Ryan Reynolds. At one point or another I’m sure all of you must have suffered the pain of something you really wanted not working out the way you wanted to or not working out at all. I know I certainly have.

Maybe you came really close to landing your dream job only to have it snatched away from you. Maybe you suffered loss of some kind. Maybe you`re stuck in rut with nothing working out for you. For everything that doesn’t work out, the lesson of missing the Ryan Reynolds bus made me realise there is always another way to get where you want to go.

It may not be the way you planned, but you will get there. It may not be the same time that you planned for, but you will get there. It may not be the most convenient way to get there, but you will get there. And it certainly may not be with Ryan Reynolds sitting across from you, but you know what? You will still get there.  A thousand-and-five shiteous things could get in the way of getting there, but none of that will change the fact that you will get where you need to be at the right time.

 Of course, this goes with an assumption that you’re doing the best you can i.e. getting your ass out of bed, not keeping couch bugs company, applying for jobs before deadlines, running like a wild zebra etc.

 This is probably no new lesson for myself or for anyone else by any means, but its one I find very easy to forget.

 In the end, the one thing you really need for this to happen is hope. And deep (often VERY VERY deep) down whether you know it or not, we`re all hopeful. Even when your whole life is sitting in a large pile of doo-doo, you still hope something  will change. What other choice do you have other than to have hope?

Until then, close your eyes and know that while you are in the sweatshop bus of life, some people will get off and make breathing easier, the road will even out eventually, maybe you might even encounter some kind soul who gives you their seat. But even if none of those things happen, provided you don`t give up and get off, you will eventually get to where you need to be.

And that folks is my Monday sermon for you. *gets off pedestal and googles more Ryan Reynolds’ photos*

54 thoughts on “Riding the bus with Ryan Reynolds

  1. 9 years ago back in TO I was invited to a wrap party for a film that was thrown by the company I worked for, Ryan Reynolds was there. I met him, I had my photo taken with him (he was sooooo nice)… I either lost the photo or it’s on this corrupted disc I have. I still have hope that disc will one day miraculously give me back that f’cking photo!!!!!
    (great post btw, xo)

  2. I thought the great Canadian Adonis was [me] Ryan Gosling?
    Or it could be explained by us being all stunning beauties in Canadaland.

    • Ryan Gosling is just a category of his own. Like if I saw a man I found very very attractive I would say he is like The Great Gosling. Much like how I said The Great Adonis.

      I also accept that we are all stunning beauties unparalleled by anywhere in the world…or maybe just unparalleled by the United States

  3. Thank you for this post! You are such a talented writer! Just what I needed to hear today as I sit waiting and hoping that the action I took may yeild the results I so desire…. and if it doesn’t, I’ve still got my hope. I will get there, and how it happens I’m sure will surprise and delight me.

  4. I can’t even remember how I got to your blog, Karen. I only know I’ve been trapped in it for an hour. You must be doing something right, so keep doing it. Cheers, Mike P.S. And I’m reading it from the other side of the world, so you must be Universal…

      • I am still none the wiser. I live in a bubble, clearly! I daresay they have no knowledge of me either. So I doubt any of us can be offended! I have just started this blog malarkey and don’t have much of a clue. I don’t profess to be a writer but what I do, that may be different, is I pen things without pens- I dictate everything I write (save this) and have completed a book in 3 sittings. My friend (a dear soulmate) transcribes for me. She has talent in abundance and I simply adore her shadow. I hope you can give me a little hint or two. Your writing is very enervating.

      • Three books??? Oh goodness…I could use a hint or two on how to go about doing that. I’ve been thinking of writing a book but I really don’t know what it would be about. I dont even know how I would start to approach such an undertaking.

        I dont have too many hints for you. What I do is read books of authors I admire and who have the same sense of humor as I do. Eventually you start thinking the way they think and before you know it, you start writing (or dictating) they way they write. If you somehow accomplish that, let me know how you did it.

      • The first rule is not to plan.Then the meandering commences. Exploration is all important. I was wondering more how to actually make a blog work so it could be noticed. I am no Luddite but I am not a technophile either.

  5. I really love this post and I completely 1,000% agree with you. I’m an all-or-nothing kind of girl so changing things in my life tend to set off a domino effect. For example: I was getting burnt out at work in Toronto so I did what any sane person would do. I quit my job, moved to Halifax where I knew no one, didn’t have a job or an apartment. Now I’m staring down the barrel of a very similar gun.

    It’s super scary but so exciting when life throws you curve balls. It’s kind of like being on that super scary, jerky roller coaster ride, Cat & Mouse, where the car whips around a corner at he very last second. Scary but thrilling too.

    The best times in my life have happened because I let go and trusted that I would be okay. And you know what? Somehow, just as it seems it won’t work out something happens and your dreams are realized. Usually the reality is better than you could ever have hoped for.

  6. Wow. This post just struck too close to home. “It may not be the way you planned, but you will get there. It may not be the same time that you planned for, but you will get there. It may not be the most convenient way to get there, but you will get there.” It’s nice to be reminded of how even though things don’t turn out the way you planned them, it doesn’t mean the end of the world 🙂 Thanks for this uplifting post.

  7. A thousand-and-five shiteous things could get in the way of getting there, but none of that will change the fact that you will get where you need to be at the right time.

    –> I couldn’t agree more. I find your posts timely and in sync with what;s happening in my life. Thanks for sharing your gift! 🙂

  8. You weren’t missing anything. A friend of a friend of an ex coworker of mine said that his cousin’s best friend’s niece once rode on the bus with Reynolds and that they talked for a while. I guess he was really nice at first but then it was all weird conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination and a lot of other stuff that she called “confusingly racist.”

    Sounds like to me (and to my friend of a friend of an ex coworker of mine said that his cousin’s best friend’s niece) that you really dodged a bullet.

  9. Delightful post. You basically reiterated what everyone has been saying to me for my whole life. “Even though you aren’t where you would like to be, doesn’t mean you won’t eventually get there.” Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this post. I am still hoping, still hoping.

  10. This caught me in a moment of doo-doo. So I was cheered by it. You made me reflect on all that has gone wrong today and the few things that were very very right! Thanks for the blog!

  11. may god bless you and may you get many more of those ryan reynolds moments!!! this is what i needed! i was feeling really low and i read this post..voila! i was smiling at the end of it..i love the way you write..i know this post is on a serious note, but its so fresh and vivid1 i love it!!!! thank you soo much for giving me the courage to pick myself off from the dumps and move on with life! 🙂
    cheers!! 😀

    • haha Moose…you wouldn’t happen to be living in Toronto and occasionally disgusing yourself as Ryan Reynolds and riding the bus and staring at unsuspecting girls with sad droopy faces, would you?

      If you’re not, its pretty strange that you know intimate details of Ryan’s doppelgangers. Maybe you could tell him to look up and smile the next time..

  12. Haha, I was hearing parts of myself when reading this. I definitely will get excited for little things such as a Ryan look alike passing me by on my way to work. I suppose we have to create excitement in our lives out of small things sometimes. I really enjoy your writing style. I am just getting started!

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